Suggestions for Dealing with Stress

Stress seems to be creating challenges for almost everyone these days. Stress and Tension are normal reactions to events that threaten us. Such threats can come from accidents, financial troubles and problems on the job or with family. The way we deal with these pressures has a lot to do with our mental, emotional and physical health. So what do we do about it?


The following are suggestions to get you started on managing the stress in your life:

1. Recognize your symptoms of stress and interrupt them early on.

2. Look at your lifestyle and see what can be changed -- in your work situation, your family situation, or your schedule.

3. Use relaxation techniques - yoga, mediation, deep breathing, or massage. Relaxation tapes and videos are particularly helpful.

4. Exercise - Physical activity is one of the most effective stress remedies around!

5. Time management - Do essential tasks and prioritize the others. Making a checklist can give you a sense of control and satisfaction as you check off each job as it is done. Learn more about time management techniques.

6. Watch your diet - Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fats and tobacco all put a strain on your body's ability to cope with stress. A balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in protein but low in fat will help create optimum health. Also take vitamins A, C, E & B as well as a high-potency multivitamin and calcium.

7. Get enough rest and sleep.

8. Talk with others - Talk with friends, professional counselors, support groups or relatives about what is bothering you.

9. Help others - Volunteer work can be an effective and satisfying stress reducer.

10. Leave yourself some time that's just for you. Get away for awhile - Read a book, watch a movie, play a game, listen to music or go on vacation.

11. Work off your stress - Get physically active, dig in the garden, start a project, get your spring cleaning done.

12. Give in occasionally - Avoid quarrels whenever possible.

13. Tackle one thing at a time - Don't try to do too much at once.

14. Don't try to be perfect (Perfectionism is a mental illness – don’t make it a lifestyle).

15. Ease up on criticism of others (You will find self-criticism will ease up in direct proportion).

16. Don't be too competitive.

17. Make time to be with friends and take time out to play.

18. Focus on the solution, rather than on the problem.

19. Smile more – studies show that simply smiling more reduces stress significantly.

20. Take walks every day – walking allows you to process the day’s events and creates a natural relaxation response.

There are of course many more techniques, but start with these. If you continue to experience high levels of stress consider a stress management course or counseling. Counseling is no longer just for people with problems, it is also great option for those who simply want to enhance themselves and their lives by getting some professional guidance.



Paul J. Cline, M.A. CAGS LMHC is the Owner of Advanced Counseling Services in Keene, NH.