How To Know When Someone You Care About Needs Help

Signs of Addiction

Drugs and alcohol affect the lives of millions of Americans every  year causing devastation to families, friends, loved ones and associates. It is said that on average each substance abusing person  seriously affects 16 people around them, this may  be  an understated  estimate. Almost everyone has had to  deal with someone else's drug or alcohol problem or knows of someone who has. You are not alone.

You are not without support. Al-Anon, Alateen (for teens), Families Anonymous,  Nar-Anon  Family  Support  Groups, ToughLove Support Groups, counselors, support agencies,  friends, and family can all provide support. Al-Anon and the other support groups can help  you  to understand the signs and behaviors which used  to confound you and help you develop ways to cope and deal with  the problem.  The only requirement to attend Al-Anon is your  concern for someone else's alcohol and/or drug use.

If you think you can deal with a drug or alcohol problem  on your own, THINK AGAIN! Even trained professionals rarely  succeed in resolving someone's addiction while they continue to use.  You will need support and lots of it. Make use of all the support you can find and make it your goal to get the loved one into  professional care.

Alcoholics  and  drug addicts think they are  all  amazingly unique,  but as you get to understand the signs of addiction  and the  logic  they use, they are amazingly the same in  many  ways. Let's take a careful look at some of the typical signs of drug and alcohol abuse displayed by a using person. Virtually no one  will have  all  these symptoms, but if the person you  care  about  is using, you will see several of them.


1) They drink more than those around them and develop more tolerance (need to drink more to get the same effect).

2) They may drink more rapidly than others.

3) They experience "blackouts" or lapses of memory from using.

4)  They hide their alcohol/drugs to protect their supply  or  to use in secret.

5) They drink or drug more than they intend to.

6)  They  utilize lies, excuses,  alibis,  rationalizations,  and denial to cover up their using.

7) Changes in behavior - even when not using. Negative effects  on family, friends, job, school, and associates.

8)  Negative  changes in attitude, health, appearance,  mood,  or work effort/quality.

9) Drinking alone or sneaking drinks.

10)  Possession of drug related materials. Rolling  papers,  liquor bottles, drug related posters/magazines/music, pipes, bongs, etc.

11)  Isolating. Shuts people out, is secretive, spends much  time alone, comes home late.

12)  Smells  of alcohol or pot. The person will  often  deny  use despite this obvious sign.

13)  Person is violent or manipulative. Manipulative behavior  is the hallmark of the addicted person. Violence and using go  hand-in-hand.

14) The person may borrow money or steal to support  drug/alcohol use. Person often cannot explain what they spent all their  money on.  Are items or cash missing at home or at friends?  Is  liquor missing  or  watered down in the home? Have  they  sold  personal items to pay for drugs?

15)  Accidents, job loss, broken friendships,  family  arguments, and trouble with the law may occur, even when not using.

16) Eyes are oddly dilated, too wide, too small. Red eyes.

17)  Person  is overly defensive and  avoids  responsibility  for their actions.

18) Nagging cough, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, dark  circles under eyes, headaches, trembling.

19)  Change  in friends. People who use often need to  be  around other  people who use to provide social support for  their  using and  to  maintain contacts with those who can  supply them  with drugs.

20)  Withdrawal/Hangovers. Headache, vomiting,  aches,  run-down, sleeping late, using in the morning.

21)  Burn or cut marks on body, tattoos,  brown-stained  fingers, change in clothing style/hair.

22) Loss of interest in activities/sports/hobbies.

23)  Loss  of motivation, lethargic, general  loss  of  interest, apathy.

24) Skipping work, meetings, school, family events, appointments, meals, important events.

25)  Secretive  about where they have been, what they  have  been doing.

  1. Attempt  to cover-up signs of using.  Sneaking  into  house, incense,  mouthwash,  eye-drops,  perfume/cologne,  chewing  gum, mints.

I hope this article has been informative, but remember  this problem should not be tackled alone. Utilize all the support  you can find, such as family and friends, to help you  weather  the difficulties ahead. Also be sure to have the help of someone  who knows more about drugs and alcohol than you do, such as  Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, and Drug and Alcohol Counselors.

With  a solid plan and some dedication, you can prevail over the addiction of another and assist them in getting help. My best wishes go with you always, good luck!


Anon Family Support Groups 1-800-344-2666

Nar-Anon Family Support Group 1-213-547-5800

ToughLove International 1-800-333-1069


A.A. (Ask for OPEN meetings)

Keene Area 357-4300

Concord Area 228-2558



Owner of Advanced Counseling Services, Keene, NH (603) 357-1708